This was bred specifically for use in the Rose Walk at Hidcote by a local breeder named Maurice. Lupins are not my entirely my favourite, but the bees go off their onion for them so they are undoubtedly worth planting!
The Rose Walk (surprise!) contains roses, but it is planted in such a way as to be the exact opposite to your traditional Victorian rose garden. Here opting instead for a ‘cottage garden’ approach, encompassing a broad plant list that provides a rich jungle of colour and texture, backed up by a strong supporting cast of self-seeders that flit around the place from year to year and delight with their seemingly random appearance! This area was the last created by Johnston and was done so at the suggestion of his friend Norah Lindsay. Lots of interesting roses are just coming into bloom and I will try and pick out the best of the bunch for perusal here!
Rose Walk view |