Thursday 7 April 2011

Red Admiral

Yesterday we had the first sightings of Orange-tip, Peacock & Red Admiral butterflies! No females seen unfortunately, but hopefully they were all far too busy laying eggs. The Peacock was feeding on the Prunus posted previously, whereas the Orange-tip seemed quite content just to motor his way up and down the Old Garden and Red Border. I saw a pair of Red Admirals later on in the day with a rather enterprising chap taking a fancy to my work boots, shortly after I had sat down to try and photograph him. He basked in the sun from this position for some time before the old legs started giving me gyp and I was forced to move slightly which, I’m sorry to say, scared him off.

Red Admiral with his wings closed (click to zoom in).

1 comment:

Kris said...

Your work boots let you rest? How very thoughtful of them. LOL I've seen one red admiral so far this spring (which is taking its sweet time getting here). Thanks for visiting my blog today. Hope you find some interest there... Ta. :-D

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