Tuesday 5 April 2011

Anthophora plumipes

Whilst perambulating on the Hidcote Estate, we stumbled across an old Cotswold stone wall, seemingly amongst the ruins of some long-since derelict barn. I was excited to find this same wall had become a home for several solitary bees! Research tells me they are Hairy-Footed Flower Bees (Anthophora plumipes), the name arising on account of their hairy legs. These hirsute blighters have a rather long tongue which is excellent for accessing nectar in the likes of Pulmonaria, Comfrey and other long tubular flowers. They can be seen in flight from March to around the end of May.

(click to zoom in)


Bay Area Tendrils said...

Wonderful to find you on Blotanical!
I'll surely be following your gardening adventures at Hidcote. Such a very special place,
Alice's Garden Travel Buzz

Alice Joyce said...

I'm dotty about encrusted old stone walls, and enlightened by the information on hairy-footed flower bees. Ta!

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